Pastor Greg Phillips
is Funbelievable!
Pastor Greg Phillips is a magician/comedian who communicates the Gospel in a clear and concise way to
audiences of all ages and sizes.
Greg is Available for Sunday Morning Services, VBS, Camps, Crusades, Outreaches, Family
Nights, Award Ceremonies, Dinners, and all your church events that need a special
Funbelievable touch!

If these Churches and Organizations have confidence in
Magician/Missionary Greg Phillips
to make their events amazing and Funbelievable, so can you!

“His presentation of the Gospel is simple, easy to understand.
It is just fantastic.”
Hear what people say about Greg’s Funbelievable ministry
I have seen and hosted Greg at Community Christian for many years. at many different events. His presentation of the Gospel is fantastic. He will be a blessing to your chapel, church, group or function. I highly recommend him.
“We recently had Greg for a “Funbelievable FAMILY Crusade. This even exceeded my expectations. I have never witnessed someone minister to such a broad demographics of people with such success. From the 4 year old to the forty year old there was ministry to everyone. Salvation, Deliverance and Healing were received by many, and homes were strengthened. Greg has offered us an open invitation to minister at our church for years and my only regret is that we waited so long. I HIGHLY recommend Greg for any event, crusade or camp that you any be planning.”
“You was awesome to work with, your helpfulness and suggestions for our Fall Festival were greatly appreciated. Everyone loved the show, it was gret how your magic tricks were Jesus related. We will definitely have you again and again!”
Greg is a gifted magician and communicator of the Gospel. Over the years Greg has ministered at our church and at the Pen Florida District Kids Camp. I have seen and hosted him at many different events. Greg is a man of integrity and high character. His presentation of the Gospel is fantastic. He will be a blessing to your church, group or function. I highly recommend him for any event or function you are planning. you have any questions about the quality of Greg’s Ministry, feel free to contact me.
What an inspiring and fun performance! You handled the children expertly and with respect all the while imparting the most important message! We continually look forward to working with you!
Greg Phillips came to Valley View Assembly of God in Lake City MN to do our annual Children’s Crusade. We always offer our evangelist the opportunity to minister to our adult congregation on Sunday morning. Greg’s message reached the hearts of our adults and I felt it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. No one slept through his message! I believe he engaged the adults just as well as the children during his four days at our church. I would highly recommend Greg Phillips for your next event because he does a fantastic job and he adjusts his program too meet the needs of whatever crowd he is ministering to.
It was our privilege to have Greg here at New Heritage USA to minister with the families visiting us. Greg performed for a variety of ages and was a professional when it came to holding the attention of the children AND the adults! His background and experience is such that ministering to all age groups comes with great anointing and ease! I recommend Pastor Greg without hesitation!
Pastor Charles Denton,
Director of Ministries,
New Heritage Corp.
Thanks for a most excellent job Sunday! Our adults didn’t know what to expect. They thought you only worked with kids! The illusions were excellent and the connections to God’s truth were great! What a powerful Testimony! We will be having you back often!
Pastor Fred Grewe,
Portland, Oregon
Thank your for coming to do our Kids Camp once again. As always you did and awesome job! The children, as well as adults, love you and everything you had to say and do. God has blessed you with a unique and wonderful gift of being able to relate to children on their level. You make God’s truths and messages so simple and easy to understand and accept. You are AWESOME and FUNBELIEVABLE!
“His background and experience is such that comes with great anointing and ease!”
Who is the Funbelievable Pastor Greg Phillips?
Greg Phillips was on a meteoric rise as a master of magic tricks and sleight-of-hand. He created a highly entertaining nightclub act that leads to performances on MTV, Show-Time, HBO and Comedy Central. He worked as an opening act for many Hollywood stars. But during that Greg fell to the drug and alcoholic lifestyle that often accompanies a fast-paced life of an entertainer. Then, his flashy career came to an abrupt halt.
One night during a club performance, Greg fell off a stage and seriously injured his neck. During the healing months that followed, Greg realized an emptiness and a longing for something more. Greg came to understand the love of Jesus as his personal savior.
When Greg returned to the limelight, the stage no longer held the same thrill or fulfillment as before.
Prayerfully, Greg searched for a more meaningful lifestyle. The Lord began to birth His vision to minister to children, reunite families, outreach the lost… and to stand firm in the midst of today’s evils.
Since then Greg has ministered around the country and around the world fulfilling this vision.
Greg also raises up with teaching and training others at conferences, workshops and revival meetings from around the U.S., Central, and South America.
As a full-time on staff Children’s Pastor, Greg saw the manifest presence of the Lord move mightily through young warriors. A deaf boy was healed and one little girl had a blind eye restored. Most recently, the Lord has anointed Greg to minister prophetically.
The message the Lord brings through Greg deals with real, everyday problems. fears and triumphs. Through the use of “Creative Object Lessons with Surprise Endings, Illusions, puppets, music, colorful props, chalk-talk messages, stories and good old fashioned Holy Spirit preaching, the Lord reveals the Biblical truth and Christian ideals. Greg strongly believes that while he utilizes many tools to “win the right to be heard,” the goal is not to entertain, but to train and edify.
Greg’s experience at schools, churches, corporate events, day-care centers, private functions, civic groups, trade shows, and theaters has given him an ability to relate to all audiences, all ages. His performances are crisp, educational, and entertaining,
but most of all Funbelievable and uplift the name of JESUS!

Funbelievable Gospel Programs to make a difference!
Hearts touched, lives changed!
Camps, Crusades, Outreaches
“Discover How My “Funbelievable” Gospel Programs Of Comedy, Illusion And Audience Participation, Will Make Your Event Unforgettable, Entertaining, Fun… but mostly LIFE CHANGING!
Planning and executing Christian Events can be difficult. Having worked as a Children’s Pastor and Elder over 25 years, and planning and executing my own events, I know what goes into developing strong “Life Changing” Programs.
What Makes These Events Unforgettable?
My professional quality programs gets everyone involved and keeps them engaged. I believe that is a major key to making your events special. WIth clear and easy to understand lessons, stories and finally “age appropriate” presentations of the Gospel Message all lead to successful events with great results at the altar.
With so many options to choose from, who do you invite? It can be frustrating to find someone that can minister to everyone AND bring a regular spiritual emphasis to the group.
“I have spent years developing my “Funbelievable” Themed Programs AND can specifically tailor my program to your Theme!
Always including my Comedy and Magic in a Unique Program that is Filled With Biblical Truth and The Love and Hope of Jesus!
VBS, Dinners, Family nights, Sunday mornings!
Programs Designed For All Ages!
My programs are for everyone!
All of my programs offer five key elements!
1. Comedy – You’ll be thrilled as you hear your congregation laugh and see all the smiles during my clean, but very funny programs!
“Greg has made hundreds laugh and made many think seriously about what is most important in life. With his powerful testimony, Greg had us laughing one minute and crying the next…what an uplifting and spiritually challenging message.” – Pastor Pete Miller, Corning, NY
2. Audience Participation – Keeping a family audience’s attention can be a difficult task. Getting them involved is a sure fire way to insure success. Greg’s rapport with the audience is a joy to watch. Everyone becomes a part! Everyone makes the “magic” (illusions) happen! All are treated with respect, and have a great time participating in the program.
“What an inspiring and fun performance! You handled the children expertly and with respect all the while imparting the most important message! We continually look forward to working with you! Chip Weaver, Principal Melbourne Central Christian, Melbourne, Florida
3. “Funbelievable” Illusions –Greg’s programs are filled with amazing illusions, creative object lessons, captivating stories and his hilariously unique way of telling Bible History. It’s quality entertainment for all ages!
Thanks for a most excellent job Sunday! Our adults didn’t know what to expect. They thought you only worked with kids! The illusions were excellent and the connections to God’s truth were great! What a powerful Testimony! We will be having you back often! Pastor Fred Grewe, Vineyard Christian Church, Melbourne, Florida
4. Personalized Shows – Every performance is individually tailored for your church or organization. I want to help you and the needs of your church and community. Whatever your need, I will plan a program just for your event! I become your spokesperson!
“You are sincere, care about people, and sure LOVE what you do! Debbie Schroeder, KidZ BlaZt, Waupaca, Wisconsin
5. A Clear Presentation Of The Gospel – This is the area most “Gospel Performers” fall short. With 40 years communication experience and 25 years a saved, spirit filled believer, and 20 of those a leader; Greg has designed each program to contain a clear presentation of the gospel and plan of salvation. An opportunity to receive Christ can be given as a public invitation, or by leading a simple prayer. Let Pastor Greg assist you in planning your programs, with great results.
“I am so thankful for your presentation and the way you displayed your faith through the illusions you were performing. I was amazed by the number of people at the Altar. It was refreshing to have students approach me following your show and engage me in conversation regarding their faith!” – Pastor Randy Christensen, Willmar Assembly of God, Willmar, Minnesota
It’s Easy to Bring Greg to your CHurch or Event!
Bringing Greg’s program to your church is easy. His program is self contained. He can even provide backdrop, and sound system if necessary. (If he is driving!) The financial commitment for the program is very simple as well. We ask for a love offering with a guaranteed minimum to meet our ministry expenses. A deposit is also required to cover initial travel and expenses. A church may choose to just pay a suggested honorarium instead. Depending on location and touring schedule, nominal travel expenses may need to be covered as well by the hosting church or organization.
Simply give us a call at 321-626-2622 [email protected] or fill out attached form.
I will get back with you shortly and answer any questions you may have.
I look forward to working together as we further the Kingdom!
Pastor Greg Is Funbelievable!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is Pastor Greg able to entertain people who don't speak English?
Pastor Greg speaks and understands Spanish and has several routines that he presents in Spanish. But remember for others, magic is universally appealing to everyone! He has shared the Gospel in Haiti, Central and South America and throughout the United States to people of all ethnicities. Although your non-english speaking guests may not totally understand every funny joke or reference that Pastor Greg makes, they’ll still be thoroughly entertained and amazed by what they see! Pastor Greg has also developed an ability to work closely with translators, making for a fun but effective presentation including the Gospel!
Is a deposit required?
Yes, typically a 50% initial investment and signed agreement is required to reserve a date. The event is not fully booked with Greg until both of these items have been received.
What do we need to provide you on our end?
What is needed varies based on the type of entertainment being provided.
For any presentation that requires Pastor Greg to work from a Stage or Platform there are some important requirements that are needed in order for a successful performance.
1. If Greg is the only performer with equipment on the stage (besides a podium), then we recommend a stage at least 12′ x 8′ and at least 6 inches off the floor. Depending on how high the stage is, stairs might also be required as there is fun audience participation throughout the performance. In cases where Greg’s equipment would be sharing the stage with other performer(s), a larger stage me be necessary or other special considerations.
2. For multi-day events. Pastor Greg needs a secure area to unload his other programs and prepare them each day. The area should be close to the stage area and easily accessible for Greg
3. In regards to lighting, we have no specific needs (except for altar times) we do recommend not having your event too dark because it becomes more difficult for your guests to see, experience and respond to all the message coming from the stage.
When driving to most events, in most cases, Greg will provide his own backdrop and sound system unless it’s provided by the church or facility (or a performance that requires air travel).
For AIR TRAVEL: Greg will need a professional sound system setup and monitored throughout the performance. The best type of mic is a headset mic known as a “country man”. It is wireless and hands free. We also need an an input that works on an iPod type device for music and sound effects.)
Once again, most of the time Pastor Greg provides his own professional sound system. Please keep in mind that you still may have AV needs yourself and still may want to ask your venue to provide a microphone to show a presentation, announce winners, give speeches, etc.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and most ONLINE Payment services.
If paying with check, please make check payable to “Rising Star“
For Dinner and Awards Program, is Greg able to entertain while people are eating?
Technically yes but we really don’t recommend it. By the nature of the entertainment, your guests participate in the magic and are often asked to help out. This is sometimes difficult when people are eating. And also it’s hard to “watch closely” when you’re enjoying dinner. This applies to all packages, strolling and stage shows.
Will this embarrass or offend anyone?
We’re proud to say that absolutely NO ONE is embarrassed in any way. We’ve heard many horror stories of how other entertainers have completely offended guests in the audience with off color jokes and remarks. Pastor Greg’s entertainment is completely G-Rated and never relies on entertaining people by making fun or laughing at people. “We’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing with you…”
What kind of room/stage set up does Pastor Greg suggest?
For facilities with a built in stage at one end of the area, please make sure it is clear for Greg to set his equipment. For banquet rooms, having the stage set up against a wall and having all of your guests seated in front (leaving room for altar response if appropriate) otherwise have the guest seated as close as possible. This helps provide a more intimate feeling). Guests that are seated directly to either side of the stage or behind, have TERRIBLE seats and therefore it’s best to avoid that. Please take into consideration your guests so they don’t get stuck behind a beam in the middle of the performance area. See the example diagram above.
Pastor Greg brings his own “Funbelievably Themed” Backdrop for his own events. You could also use “pipe and drape” or many churches have a puppet stage setup with black wings.
What size audiences can Pastor Greg entertain?
Greg’s entertainment is best suited for small to medium size crowds. Greg entertains groups as intimate as 10 people all the way up to 500 guests in a ballroom.
If you have a large group (200 or more), the use of projection screens makes the show even more enjoyable for your guests. Talk to your venue or contact a local audio/video company with questions to further explore that option.
For outreach events Greg has ministered to groups as small as a couple people and as large as 10,000 with the proper sound and lighting.